Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Watch For 9/30/2009

Last day of September, October should keep it interesting.

UNG from Idan Koren. I think if UNG breaks the 12$ resistance, it may be forming a bottom. There’s a chance that UNG will outperform the market even during a pull back, due to it’s oversold nature. Some of you might want to be more conservative and go long only after the 20 SMA weekly at 12.80 is broken to the upside:

SUNV KDKN GTXO from wisconsinstock1 "This (SUNV at .107) is my IMHO I see .90 to 1.00 soon with these contracts being completed and maybe even a merger soon with a larger company. With the new EIPR facility being built in Chicago with the 9 million Federal Funding given by Senator Dick Durban and the Solar break through just announced this just warming up. The chart was great today holding the previous gains from yesterday and consolidating basically sideways with a small pullback. Another day for of sideways to let the techs equal out and I see another breakout up. I am dropping 10k in tomorrow like I said yesterday and then I am going long. If you know nothing about the company read my DD link. " He's very honest , i bought EDWY from his alerts when it was .025 earlier this month.

TRIT - I bought eod at 14.39 hoping for lots of large swings, to go long and short on. from Superman from thelion.com and previous posts, note that it's already hit his 15 dollar target.

BEST from BOWS team, got a kunal00 tweet and got in this one eod. you can now follow kunal00 and his trades on covestor He is also in TRIT and helped confirm my long position in it.

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