Thursday, September 24, 2009

Watch For 9/25/2009

Stock buzz is low for tomorrow, I might get back in NEP RWC or BIOS and do a couple day trades, 100 percent cash tonight.

SUTR - Earnings came out and it doesn't look good, revs down expenses up and well below estimates, watching for steady fading starting mid-day tomorrow. Short.

EMGE writes "Now for shorty. Shorty broke this morning covering 30% of his short in my opinion. I believe they still have 2 more days left of covering!"
but in reality I can't find shares to short, only 3,600 shares short found.

from wisconsinstock1 posts, i will be looking at his posts tomorrow says hes going to find something interesting, and most of the time he does.

KABAM's complete list of possible shorts tomorrow

EDAP from kunal00

DTG $DTG - Short setup, @stockdemons on my radar could be a seller.

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