Sunday, September 20, 2009

Watch For 9/21/2009

SYNM PUDZ longs from stockgod - the don of bullsonwallstreet "sure, long term. i’m thinking possible bear market retreat in oct unless numbers show + growth. will hold/buy $synm on p/b. (pull back) "this is unreal. $synm refined algal for these people. think about this... here's hoping for a pullback. "

INOD i got back in yesterday with a stop just below 7.00 to lock in profits. Another beanxxxxxxx play, not sure if i would recommend it this late but if it looks strong tomorrow it'll most likely stay strong.

GVBP - A perfect Tim Sykes play - hard to find shares to short but if you can its worth the effort

Lot of times certain people get hot for short bursts urban_ryno is consistently on top of his trades, his watchlist is a must read and can be found here.

Best of

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