Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Watch For 10/1/2009


Shaken out of trit and best in the morning ouch.

NPHC - 200 million market cap with no revenue and no cash and with a distributor that also has no cash. up big from nothing easy short if you have a brokerage with shares. IB or TOS possibly. also more about CEO trying to cure cancer with volcano ash in previous endeavors, found here.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Watch For 9/30/2009

Last day of September, October should keep it interesting.

UNG from Idan Koren. I think if UNG breaks the 12$ resistance, it may be forming a bottom. There’s a chance that UNG will outperform the market even during a pull back, due to it’s oversold nature. Some of you might want to be more conservative and go long only after the 20 SMA weekly at 12.80 is broken to the upside:

SUNV KDKN GTXO from wisconsinstock1 "This (SUNV at .107) is my IMHO I see .90 to 1.00 soon with these contracts being completed and maybe even a merger soon with a larger company. With the new EIPR facility being built in Chicago with the 9 million Federal Funding given by Senator Dick Durban and the Solar break through just announced this just warming up. The chart was great today holding the previous gains from yesterday and consolidating basically sideways with a small pullback. Another day for of sideways to let the techs equal out and I see another breakout up. I am dropping 10k in tomorrow like I said yesterday and then I am going long. If you know nothing about the company read my DD link. " He's very honest , i bought EDWY from his alerts when it was .025 earlier this month.

TRIT - I bought eod at 14.39 hoping for lots of large swings, to go long and short on. from Superman from and previous posts, note that it's already hit his 15 dollar target.

BEST from BOWS team, got a kunal00 tweet and got in this one eod. you can now follow kunal00 and his trades on covestor He is also in TRIT and helped confirm my long position in it.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Watch For 9/29/2009

A repeating watch

GKK TIV CNLG daily percent gainers all looking to drop or breakout at 3. CNLG is too risky for me CNLG has 5 mil market cap, TIV would be a good short but gold might be moving back up so not a big enough drop in it that i can see. GKK looks good enough for a trade, and will buy on breakout.

From Urban_Ryno's watch Monday still a couple potential plays i like from it.

ARIA – fairly oversold and now sitting on MA50 support. up 2.5 percent today.
AOB - Sitting on horizontal support. up 2.5 percent still sitting there.
ONTY – Watching trendline support. Possible swing long. up .75%

CPE NEP - two oil current news/swing plays. both seem oversold. more on previous posts.

SRSR - from yesterday's watch chart still has potential from wisconsinstock1. "ADX cross uptrend forming 20 MA breaking today the BB squeezing the Parabolic-SAR downtrend about to break. Major resistance at .09 and .098 and if broke.... yup looks good wisc.

LUNA CHIP SQNM short buzz

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Watch For 9/28/2009

TRIT from superman at "$TRIT with momentum volume like this personal target $15-$35" "$TRIT Low Float IPO Addressing China's Water Crisis" superman is pretty reliable and ipos are coming back UTA was the last one i can remember from china at 8.50 went to 16 before dilution. superman even has a mention in pennystocking part duex dvd4 by timothy sykes.

EMGE this one is falling apart at the seams shares available all of a sudden. I banked and shorted more 3.01. Thanks Tim.

BLDP The run up might be something more than BMO raising guidance from 3 to 4. I'm long for the next couple days to see if there any more big moves as long as market stays up enough with end of month window dressing also 1035 to 1040 critical support level for any swing trades.

CPE from copperstl email if you didn't get it email leigh at

SUNV SRSR from wisconsinstock1 bullish charts and some pr but always risky

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Watch For 9/25/2009

Stock buzz is low for tomorrow, I might get back in NEP RWC or BIOS and do a couple day trades, 100 percent cash tonight.

SUTR - Earnings came out and it doesn't look good, revs down expenses up and well below estimates, watching for steady fading starting mid-day tomorrow. Short.

EMGE writes "Now for shorty. Shorty broke this morning covering 30% of his short in my opinion. I believe they still have 2 more days left of covering!"
but in reality I can't find shares to short, only 3,600 shares short found.

from wisconsinstock1 posts, i will be looking at his posts tomorrow says hes going to find something interesting, and most of the time he does.

KABAM's complete list of possible shorts tomorrow

EDAP from kunal00

DTG $DTG - Short setup, @stockdemons on my radar could be a seller.

Watch For 9/24/2009

EMGE a new pump and dump and potential short from reaper trades

In at 4.37 on NEP from Stockgod I've been following this one of his a long time my guess is that it will be green tomorrow as speculators already think its oversold and easy to see stop before 4.00, maybe it'll be red friday and then possibly move up from there if the markets cooperate.

CTIC also looks like prices might be getting low enough to speculate on with a potential move back up to 1.60 eventually.

BSDM BTIM GTN all shorts on KABAM's watchlist read more here.

note: kabam and reaper are tim sykes followers most of their picks come directly from his watch... these two watchlists combined = tim's email.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Watch For 9/23/2009

RTK looks really good tomorrow - nice move today and deserves to be at 2.50 for me to sell for a nice profit. Tim Sykes is in as well

from beanxxxxxx posted a few times when i got in at 2.80 but man this guy is good once this breaks 3.46 it's going to grab some more attention from fundamentalist seeing 50 percent growth in revs and -.02 to .15 this quarter making it RWC's best quarter in 15 quarter.

some buzz out there in twitter looks good. inv h&s

Picks from copperstl email below, join to receive

if market gaps up I will enter if price remains over the opening price or HOD
if market opens flat, I need to see the price above and remain above today's close .98
1.68 target if this thing can break-out

Vitamin plays now turned to swings: (vitamin = one-a-day)
BEST - still building position intermed target: 2.25 to 2.50 +
GETA - ASTM 1.31 to 1.50
LGDI - is retracing - will watch to re-enter with trading shares (hold core position) Sept 18th pulled lucrative day play targets: 1.22 to 1.35

Monday, September 21, 2009

Watch For 9/22/2009

CHIP a short from Reaper Trades this one looks ready to drop after launching 148 percent on patent news.

BIOS I'm all in on this one tomorrow after a stop loss fiasco with INOD today no more stops cost me .50 cents on the day.- from beanxxxx previous posts worth 9 - 12 looked like some nice consolidation today.

VVTV CHIP from InvestorsLive "ValueVision Media Inc. (VVTV) looking for a long on the $4 test if volume out of the open" I'm thinking this one has been added to a lot radars and might move well if it all comes together.

ETFC and KOPN KEME ICOP have some buzz as well.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Watch For 9/21/2009

SYNM PUDZ longs from stockgod - the don of bullsonwallstreet "sure, long term. i’m thinking possible bear market retreat in oct unless numbers show + growth. will hold/buy $synm on p/b. (pull back) "this is unreal. $synm refined algal for these people. think about this... here's hoping for a pullback. "

INOD i got back in yesterday with a stop just below 7.00 to lock in profits. Another beanxxxxxxx play, not sure if i would recommend it this late but if it looks strong tomorrow it'll most likely stay strong.

GVBP - A perfect Tim Sykes play - hard to find shares to short but if you can its worth the effort

Lot of times certain people get hot for short bursts urban_ryno is consistently on top of his trades, his watchlist is a must read and can be found here.

Best of

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Watch for 9/18/2009

BIOS is nearing a 52 week high at 6.88 if it breaks that expect it to run. I tweeted this one yesterday but looks good near term for the breakout. from investorslive yesterday and beanxxxxxx

ICOP from my man wisconsinstock1 - hes great at finding momentum plays new prs and bullish charts and with this one some very good pr out, high volume, lots of hype could be good he thinks it might triple.

SPDE Tim Sykes bought at 7.33 expecting a short squeeze eod and possibly a gap up tommorrow, more exlained in the link, but I got the alert and could of jumped in at 7.35 but held off hes been making some terrible trades lately and this one didn't have any momo eod.

CROX RODM shorts from KCunleashed i disagree with APT being on it as a short, H1N1 could be hot for another 6 months.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Watch For 9/17/2009

RWC from my man Beanxxxxxxxx great at finding undervalued stocks with good fundamentals. ".15 vs. -.02., revs up over 50% and trading at 2 and change. Am i missing something here? I smell a double at the very least here" there's low volume now but when it moves it will move fast.

OPXA - Timothy Sykes shorted this one 2 times and has been short squeezed out, he then bought it and sold for a loss. Not a great track record but if this one convincingly break 3.91 it doesn't have support till the mid 3's. SHORT.

LVS MGM WYNN overbought record volume on down day shorts from short biased hedge fund manager Idan Koren

EPEX above .65 looks good and GBK ready to test resistance at 2.50 from Urban _Ryno

CPE from my man RW - way late but... Crude soared after the EIA showed a significant decrease in inventory stockpiles. The weaker dollar didn’t help. Light, sweet crude rose $1.39 to $72.32 and that should help this stock. hoping it has legs.
For current holdings check covestor.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Watch For 9/16/2009

My first watch list is from Leigh Jones.

You can follow Leigh at

Leigh is heading up an educational campaign with BOWS for new traders as well as having tons of plays for the more advanced traders, she's sharing a ton of knowledge for free and that is why my first watch comes from her.

Join to see more of her blogs and to join Leigh's mailing list.


Target: 1.40 ish

This one has retraced and looks poised for another move.

Volume has increased substantially last few days.


Target: 1.25 to 1.40

Had a big buyer step in today. It has my attention

EF Johnson Technologies, Inc. Receives $8.6 Million Contract from DoD
PR Newswire - 9/15/2009 9:00:00 AM ET

today announced that it has received a contract valued at $8.6 million from the US Department of Defense (DoD). This new indefinite delivery indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract calls for the company to provide accessories for the Project 25 compliant two-way radios already in deployment.


Rec'd my criteria alerts today.

Targets: .40 ---secondary target: .60 it the first move has legs

Buyers are starting to step in - it's time for me to join.


I am loading back up for a move to .70/.75