Saturday, October 10, 2009

Watch For 10/12/2009

Congratulations to windoughshopper on his massive .02 to .50 cent(2500%)stock pick HMDI. He might of missed a few emailers (me) but i'm a part time trader and miss out on profits constantly. he did email about its relationship to AMIN which he thinks is a good long, and you can also see if you had tracked him down before the alerts he was posting on yahoo message boards. I'll be listening for next big idea that's for sure.

Copperstl has a new email out, all i can say is wow, gets better every week.

BIDU Idan Koren short biased hedge fund, and posted on

Let’s all welcome BIDU to the short list (overbought list) at $427.50. GOOG, BIDU, AMZN, SBUX, JPM (maybe WYNN again? not sure).

rememeber that financials earnings are going into next week and the financials are not strong here… also remember next week is options expiration, this will be a crazy week.

TBYH a little unknown stock i'm thinking about getting in from rocketmail, but it has gone from profitable to unprofitable, its from china, and has low volume. The book value and ceo make this stock interesting.

"TBYH is a extreme crazy value play just like RODM was at 30-60 cents a share a few months ago.
TBYH's balance sheet has 27.5 million or 91 cents a share cash which is actually a lot stronger than rodm's balance sheet was a few months back.
rodm's catalyst for profits turnaround was the strong pipe action ramp up and aggressive mgt. which had insiders who owned stock.
TBYH's catalyst for a profits turnaround will be Xiaofeng Li being put back in the CEO slot a few months back...he owns 2.6 million shares of TBYH and ran TBYH with profits in the past..."


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